College of Forestry

Vegetation Management Research Cooperative


Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A., Cannon, C.F. and Von Blon, E.C. 2024. Nutrient ratios, foliar vector analysis, and nutrient use efficiency of four conifers stands growing under contrasting competing vegetation control treatments in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A., Cannon, C.F. and Von Blon, E.C. 2024. Nutrient content of vegetation and soil of four conifer species growing under different site and vegetation management conditions. Forest Ecology and Management.

Kronsberg, A. 2023. Drought Resistance and Frost Tolerance of Coast Redwood Clones in Southwestern Oregon. Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis.
Karabas, S. 2023. Douglas-fir Reforestation After Wildfire in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A. Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Thesis PDF
Babat, E. 2023. Biomass Stock, Net Primary Productivity and Growth Efficiency of 11 Conifer Species Growing on a Gradient of Water Deficit in Western Oregon. Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Thesis PDF
Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A., Alzugaray-Oswald, P.J. and Wightman, M.G. 2022. Determining the effect of age and drought stress on the hydraulic conductance and vulnerability to cavitation of Douglas-fir seedling root systems using the vacuum method. New Forests 53:1003-10320. PDF
Von Blon, E.C., 2022. Variation in Productivity, Growing Season Phenology, and Wood Properties of 11 Conifer Species Across a Water Deficit Gradient in Western Oregon. Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Thesis PDF
Cannon, C.F., Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Wightman, M.G. 2021. Plant derived tissue and soil nutrient concentration for plantations of four conifer species growing under different site and vegetation management conditions. Forest Ecology and Management. 494(2021) 119300. PDF
Guevara, C.A., 2021. Modelling Early-Seral Vegetation Dynamics Using Climate and Soil Moisture. Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis.
Guevara, C.A., Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Wightman, M.G., 2021. Ground cover-biomass functions for early-seral vegetation. Forests 12(9), 1272.
Cowden, R.J., Wightman, M.G. and Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. 2021. The influence of site conditions on Senecio sylvaticus seasonal abundance, soil moisture dynamics, and Douglas-fir seedlings water stress. New ForestsPDF
Cowden, R.J. 2020. Water Use and Competitiveness of Senecio sylvaticus in Young Pseudotsuga menziesii Plantations in Western Oregon. MS Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Thesis PDF, Presentation PDF
Cannon, C. 2020. Long-term Effects of Vegetation Management on Plant and Soil Derived Nutrient Budgets for Plantations of Four Western Conifer Species. MS Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Thesis PDF, Presentation PDF
Wightman, M.G., Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Dinger, E.J. 2019. Interactive effects of stock type and forest vegetation management treatments on Douglas-fir seedling growth and survival - ten years results. Forests 10, 1002; doi:10.3390/f10111002. PDF
Flamenco, H.N., Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Wightman, M.G. 2019. Long-term effects of vegetation management on biomass stock of four coniferous species in the Pacific Northwest United States. Forest Ecology and Management 432: 276-285. PDF  
Wightman, M.G, Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Dinger, E.J. 2018. The influence of containerized stock type on the growth and survival of Douglas-fir seedlings. Tree Planter Notes 61:134-141. PDF
Flamenco, H.N. 2018. Long-term Effects of Vegetation Management on Biomass Stock and Aboveground Net Primary Productivity of Four Coniferous Species in the PNW. MS Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources & Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. Thesis PDF, Presentation PDF
Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A., Flamenco, H.N. and Wightman, M.G. 2018. Effect of Vegetation Management and Site Conditions on Volume, Biomass and Leaf Area Allometry of Four Coniferous Species in the Pacific Northwest United States. Forests. 9, 581; doi:10.3390/f9090581. PDF  
Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Dinger, E.J. 2018. Use of water stress integral to evaluate relationships between soil moisture, plant water stress and stand productivity in young Douglas-fir trees. New Forests. doi: 10.1007/s11056-018-9657-1 PDF
Aernouts, J., Gonzalez-Benecke, C.A. and Schimleck, L.R. 2018. Effects of vegetation management on wood properties and plant water relations of four conifer species in the Pacific Northwest of the USA. Forests 9, 323; doi:10.3390/f9060323. PDF 
Lefebvre, R.F. 2013. Abstract: The Combined Effects of Vegetation Control and Seedling Size Class on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) Seedling Productivity on a Site in Oregon. MS Thesis. Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis. PDF
Dinger, E.J. 2012. Abstract: Characterizing early-seral competitive mechanisms influencing Douglas-fir seedling growth, vegetation community development, and physiology of selected weedy plant species. PhD Dissertation. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 212p. PDF
Dinger, E.J. and Rose, R. 2010. Initial autumn-spring vegetation management regimes improve moisture conditions and maximize third-year Douglas-fir seedling growth in a Pacific Northwest plantation. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 40: 93-108. PDF
Goracke, H. S. R. 2010. Abstract: Temporal effect of vegetation management on growth and wood quality of conifers in a western Oregon plantation. MS Thesis. Department of Forest Engineering, Resources and Management, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 121p. PDF
Dinger, E.J. 2009. VMRC: Investigating the best methods for plantation establishment since 1993. Western Forester 54(4): 12-13. PDF
Dinger, E.J. and Rose, R. 2009. The integration of soil moisture, xylem water potential, and fall-spring herbicide treatments to achieve the maximum growth response in newly planted Douglas-fir seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(7): 1401-1414. PDF
Maguire, D.A., Mainwaring, D.B., Rose, R., Garber, S., and Dinger, E.J. 2009. Response of coastal Douglas-fir and competing vegetation to repeated and delayed weed control treatments during early plantation development. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39(6): 1208-1219. PDF
Dinger, E. 2008. Constructing an inexpensive weather station pole. Tree Planters' Notes 53(1): 43-46. PDF
Dinger, E.J. 2007. Abstract: Evaluating the effectiveness of commonly used herbaceous vegetation control regimes in a Pacific Northwest conifer plantation. MS Thesis. Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 111p. PDF
Burney, O., Wing, M. G. and Rose, R. 2007. Microsite influences on variability in Douglas-fir seedling development. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 22(3): 156-162. PDF
Mason, E.G., Rose, R. and Rosner, L.S. 2007. Time vs. light: A potentially useable light sum hybrid model to represent the juvenile growth of Douglas-fir subject to varying levels of competition. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 795-805. PDF
Rose, R., Rosner, L.S. and Ketchum, J.S. 2006. Twelfth-Year Response of Douglas-fir Seedlings to Area of Weed Control and Herbaceous vs. Woody Weed Control Treatments. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36: 2464-2473. PDF
Rosner, L.S. and Rose, R. 2006. Synergistic stem volume response to combinations of vegetation control and seedling size in conifer plantations in Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35: 930-944. PDF
Rose, R. and Rosner, L.S. 2005. Eighth-year response of Douglas-fir seedlings to area of weed control and herbaceous versus woody weed control. Annals of Forest Science 62: 481-492. PDF
Chen, F-H. 2004. Effects of weed control on vegetation dynamics in Pacific Northwest conifer plantations. PhD Dissertation. Oregon State University, Corvallis. 182p. PDF
Rose, R. and J. S. Ketchum. 2003. Interaction of initial seedling diameter, fertilization, and weed control on Douglas-fir growth over the first four years after planting. Annals of Forest Science 60:625-635. PDF
Ketchum, J. S. and R. Rose. 2003. Preventing establishment of exotic shrubs (Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link. and Cytisus striatus (Hill.)) with soil active herbaceous herbicides (hexazinone, sulfometuron, and metsulfuron). New Forests 25:83-92. PDF
Rose, R. and J. S. Ketchum. 2002. Interaction of vegetation control and fertilization on conifer species across the Pacific Northwest. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 32: 136-152. PDF
Rose, R. and J. S. Ketchum. 2002. The effect of hexazinone, sulfometuron, metsulfuron, and atrazine on the germination success of selected Ceanothus and Rubus species. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 17(4): 194-200. PDF
Crane, G. A. 2002. Effects of fertilization, vegetation control, and sulfur on Swiss Needle Cast and growth of coastal Douglas-fir saplings. M.S. Thesis, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 125 pp. PDF
Burney, O. T. 2002. Effects of Vegetation control, Stock size, Fertilization, and Soil Moisture on the Shoot and Root Development of Douglas-fir Seedlings. M.S. Thesis, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 94 pp. PDF
Ketchum, J.S., R. Rose and B. Kelpsas. 2000. Comparison of adjuvants used in fall-release herbicide mixtures for forest site preparation. Tree Planters Notes 49(3):66-71. PDF
Rose, R. and Coate, J. 2000. Reforestation rules in Oregon lessons learned from strict enforcement. Journal of Forestry 98(5): 24-28. PDF
Ketchum, J. S. and R. Rose. 2000. Interaction of initial seedling size, fertilization and vegetation control. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Forest Vegetation Management Conference. January 18-20, 2000, Redding, CA. pp. 63-69. PDF
Ketchum, J. S. and D. Haase. 2000. Early seedling fertilization, a work in progress. Northwest Woodlands 16(2): 18-19. PDF
Ketchum, J. S. 2000. Vegetation Management Research Cooperative. Western Forester 45(2): 15. PDF
Rose, R., J. S. Ketchum and D.E. Hanson. 1999. Three-year Survival and growth of Douglas-fir seedlings under various vegetation-free regimes. Forest Science 45(1): 117-126. (#861). PDF
Coate, J. E. 1999. Conifer phytotoxicity and vegetation control efficacy of ten selected herbicides. M.S. Thesis, Department of Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 125pp. PDF
Ketchum, J.S., Newton, M., and Rose, R. 1999. Vegetation management: One of the most important tools in forestry. Western Forester 44(5): 1, 4, 8. PDF
Ketchum, J.S., Rose, R. and Kelpsas, B. 1999. Weed control in spring and summer after fall application of sulfometuron. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 14(2): 80-85. PDF
Ketchum, J. S. and R. Rose. 1998. Vegetation management and seedling fertilization: factors influencing growth response. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Forest Vegetation Management Conference. Redding, CA. pp. 95-100. PDF
Rose, R. and Ketchum, J.S. 1998. Fifth year growth response of Douglas-fir to two years of spot weed control and controlling herbaceous versus woody weeds. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Forest Vegetation Management: Popular summaries. Ontario Ministry of Nat. Res. Info. Paper No. 141: 290-292. PDF
Rose, R. and J. S. Ketchum. 1998. Effect of several soil active herbicides used in forests of the Pacific Northwest on germination of several common hardwood species. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. Reno, Nevada. Vol. 51:52-55. PDF
Rose, R. and J. S. Ketchum. 1998. Integrating stocktype, fertilization and competing vegetation control in reforestation decisions. Proceedings of the Southern Weed Science Society. Raleigh, NC. Vol. 51:98-103. PDF
Rose, R. and J. S. Ketchum. 1998. Early results of the "Herb II" study: evaluating the influence vegetation control has on fertilization at the time of planting. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science. Reno, Nevada. Vol. 51:55-59. PDF